Let go of the mindset and energetic blocks holding you back and claim the identity that attracts empowered, high-caliber clients NOW.

I'm ready!
If you’re a coach or consultant looking to bust past your money, visibility, or success blocks and sign your next 3-5 high-value clients and accelerate towards your next monthly income goal, this is for you.

Detach to Receive is for you if...ย 

๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸปYou work your ass off, and do ALL the thingsโ€ฆ yet youโ€™re still plateaued in your income and results for 3 months or longer.ย 

๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸปYou set your business goals month after month,
but DESPITE having a strong work ethic,ย nothing really changes.ย 

๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸปYou're obsessed with investing in yourself and your business but
you still struggle with feeling unworthy of ease, flow, and bigger income months.

๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸปYou've tried just about every strategy under the sun...but it still doesn't help you achieve the BIG business goals you've set. You're starting to realize you need something deeper than surface-level strategy.ย 

๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸปYou've read ALL the PD books, but it seems to almost make things worse.

You know there must be a better way...

Oh, I am SO in!

Here is what you'll learn in Detach to Receive with me:

  • Module 1: Set your identity --> How to set your subconscious identity so you can actually achieve your goals from a state of embodiment, flow and ease! This is EXACTLY why you have struggled to achieve your business goals in the past, and how to align with them subconsciously moving forward. 
  • Module 2: Living in the gap and the magic of surrender ---> How to shift your consciousness so you can detach from the limiting beliefs and identities that are no longer serving you. This is all about how to let go of the thoughts that are keeping you stuck and step into your power.
  • Module 3: Living in the flow and Detaching in the moment ---> How to step into full blow FLOW in your biz so you can stop building from the energy of struggle and hustle, and instead build from the energy of joy, flow and ease! 
  • Module 4: Money Visibility and our Nervous system ---> How to expand your nervous system to allow in more abundance while still feeling safe and supported.
  • Module 5: Rewiring to Manifest ---> How we manifest using the power of our subconscious AND how to use hypnosis and various subconscious reprogramming tools to powerfully manifest your reality into being!
  • Module 6: How to Reprogram --->  This is the EXACT process for reprogramming ANY new subconscious identity you desire. This is how you learn to embody it all.
  • Bonus Module: Supporting Your Nervous System to Surrender into Success Even More ---> Learn the nervous system practices to allow your nervous system to expand into ever increasing levels of ease & uncertainty so you can SURRENDER into SUCCESS.
  • EXCLUSIVE Extra Bonus: You'll get access to weekly quick alignment audios! These are like special podcast episodes I create JUST FOR the ladies in this community! These will keep you supported, on track, and inspired whenever you need a quick tune-up with soul!

ย This container includes...

  • Lifetime Access to the Detach to Receive Curriculum and any updates so you can go through the course at your own pace
  • 24/7 FB community for support/questions or celebrations
  • Quick alignment audios which is a personal podcast I created JUST for the women inside this container to receive potent and quick energetic alignments throughout the week
  • Custom hypnosis + meditations to support you in shifting your subconscious and nervous system with ease
  • BONUS #1: When you join before doors close and pay in full, you'll get a bonus 45-minute 1:1 call with me ($500 value)!
  • BONUS #2:ย Get 2 weeks of Voxer coaching with me when you PIF to help you more deeply integrate the course and give you real-time mindset, strategic, and energetic shifts for more momentum than ever!
I'm ready to RECEIVE!